march, 2021
This is a repeating eventmarch 25, 2021 11:00 am
18mar(mar 18)11:00 am30(mar 30)12:00 pmMindfulness Classes with IMSA's Mary Lovegrove

Event Details
Shedders looking for inner peace in these uncertain times are turning to alternative methods. Every Tuesday in February at 11am the IMSA’s Health and Wellbeing Manager Mary Lovegrove
Event Details
Shedders looking for inner peace in these uncertain times are turning to alternative methods. Every Tuesday in February at 11am the IMSA’s Health and Wellbeing Manager Mary Lovegrove will continue her online Mindfulness classes for shedders. Read more about the classes here.
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is about living in the present moment. Most of the time our minds are lost in thought. We are either thinking about the past or worrying about the future. This can cause us to be more stressed than we need to be. Mindfulness helps us learn how to live more in the now and be more at ease with how things are as opposed to how we think they should be.
If you would like an invite, just contact Let us know your mobile number if you would like a reminder sent to you.
18 (Thursday) 11:00 am - 30 (Tuesday) 12:00 pm
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
march 25, 2021 11:00 amapril 1, 2021 11:00 amapril 8, 2021 11:00 amapril 15, 2021 11:00 am