Wellness Options for Sheds
Siel Bleu
Over the course of the Covid-19 lockdown, our partners at Siel Bleu held a series of online Exercise for Shedders classes, designed to keep shedders fit and active from the comfort and safety of their homes. You can watch the full series back below – scroll through for all fourteen online classes.
Get Ireland Walking – Sheds ag Siúl:
Sheds ag Siúl is a partnership between the Irish Men’s Shed Association and Get Ireland Walking to put a focus on walking and encourage shed members to take up walking as part of shed life. Men have low walking participation rates and Sheds ag Siúl wants to inspire shed members to get walking for their health, wellbeing and social connections.
Walking has a broad range of benefits and can help promote good physical, mental and social health. Walking is a simple, convenient and free source of physical activity and when done with a group, provides extra benefits.
Adults are advised to take part in 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, 5 times a week. Walking is a simple way to add to your daily activity and can be split into 10-minute bouts throughout the day.
- Reduced stress
- Improved wellbeing
- Improved mood
- Reduced negative emotions
- Increased self esteem
Get Ireland Walking will provide your shed with a walking toolkit that is available on request. The toolkit includes:
- Hats,
- High-vis vests,
- Information leaflets
Toolkit booklet signposting to available resources.

You can also call 01 6251109 or email info@getirelandwalking.ie.
Irish Heart Foundation – Hands for Life (CPR Programme)
Hands for Life – Community CPR Training is an initiative being offered by the Irish Heart Foundation in partnership with Abbott and ESB Networks. Free CPR training courses are provided in communities in the Republic of Ireland. Each training course takes less than an hour to complete.
Every day in Ireland, 13 people die from a cardiac arrest. By starting CPR immediately, you can double, if not triple the person’s chances of surviving. CPR is an easy skill to learn and once you know how to do it, you could save someone’s life.
At the Hands for Life training course, you will learn
- How to recognise a cardiac arrest
- How to perform compressions, including hands-on practice on a CPR training mannequin
- How to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)
- How to respond to a choking emergency
- How to recognise a stroke
Where can I find a course?
Hands for Life training courses are being held in local communities throughout Ireland. To find your nearest course, visit the Hands for Life website by clicking here. Here you will find a list of all upcoming training courses in your area, list is regularly updated with new locations. The Hands for Life training is available to people aged 18 and over.
Can I organise my own Hands for Life training course?
If you have a group of 30 or more people interested in learning how to perform CPR and would like to organise a free training course for your local community, please contact the Irish Heart Foundation on 01-6685001 or email handsforlife@irishheart.ie.

Healthy Food Made Easy
Healthy Food Made Easy is a fun nutrition and cookery course which helps people to make better choices when they shop, cook and eat.
Courses are delivered by tutors who have been trained by HSE community dietitians. Many of the courses are free, while others charge just a nominal fee.
This course is run over six sessions (2.5 hours each) and provides members with a range of information and life skills, including:
- Learn how to cook simple, delicious meals
- Plan shopping on a budget
- Understand the information on the food pyramid
- Understand how to read food labels
- Get a handbook with the information and recipes used on the course
Groups consist of 8 – 10 people and all the participants get to prepare, cook and eat healthy food during each session.
Classes are currently available in a number of locations around the country. Please contact wellbeing@menssheds.ie to find out more information about organising a Healthy Food Made Easy course for your shed.
Clare |
Cork |
Cavan |
Carlow |
Dublin (North) |
Dublin (South) |
Galway |
Kerry |
Kilkenny |
Laois |
Limerick |
Longford |
Mayo |
Meath |
Monaghan |
Offaly |
Roscommon |
Tipperary |
Waterford |
Westmeath |
Wexford |
Wicklow |