• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • Minister Colm Burke supports Cork Sheds for Men’s Health Week

    Minister of State at the Department of Health with special responsibility for Public Health & Wellbeing, Colm Burke will today visit Men’s Sheds around Cork City to celebrate the start of Men’s Health Week.

    International Men’s Health Week (MHW) will run from Monday 10th until Sunday 16th June. Males constitute almost 50% of the population on the island of Ireland and, therefore, deserve to have a gender lens focused upon their specific health needs. Research clearly shows that these men experience a disproportionate burden of ill-health and die too young. Research also demonstrates the Men’s Shed movement offers a safe space for men, and contributes to their wellbeing.

    With over 450 Sheds in our local communities and 6-7000 Men a week going in and out the doors, we have the highest number of Shed’s per capita of any country in the world. Over 80% of Men say they ‘feel better’ for being part of a Shed and the environment itself is undeniably ‘health-promoting’.

    Sheds offer Men social, psychological, emotional and physical Health & Well Being supports. The success of Sheds in Ireland has been extraordinary and builds on the country’s leadership in having one of the first National Men’s Health policies.  But there’s more to Sheds than tea and chat. Walk into your community Shed and you are likely to discover a bustling hub of creativity and transformation for local Men navigating key changes in their lives. Sheds offer spaces for life-long learning, skills sharing and value people as they age. They are rich in knowledge, experience and encourage ongoing contribution ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with each other and in their communities.

    Irish Men’s Sheds Association (IMSA) Chairman Ray Harte said “For the most part, Sheds are safe, supportive and confidential spaces for Men to share their feelings and discuss things they couldn’t imagine discussing outside any other four walls. Sheds have saved lives. For many, the Shed is the ‘Why’ that gets them out of bed in the morning and gives their life meaning.”

