• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • The Irish Men’s Sheds Association supports the Cycle Against Suicide.

    Following a number of exciting conversations the Irish Men’s Sheds Association is happy to support the Cycle Against Suicide.

    Cycle Against Suicide

    The cycle takes place over 14 legs from the 22nd of April until the 5th of May. It is our aim to have a “Shedder” on each leg. John Evoy has already committed to doing one leg – from Gorey to Waterford on the 23rd. If you or any member of your Shed would be interested in representing the IMSA on one or more of these legs then please contact us at info@menssheds.ie

    And while Men’s Sheds are not suicide prevention services, we are happy to support this important initiative.

    Here are the full details of the cycle:

    The Cycle Against Suicide is an initiative created by Irish entrepreneur, Jim Breen, as a result of his appearance on RTE’s The Secret Millionaire programme in September 2012.

    There are two core objectives of the Cycle:

    • To raise awareness of the supports that are available for anyone battling depression, self-harm, those at risk of suicide or those bereaved by suicide.
    • To ignite more cohesion between, and awareness of, the various organisations working to prevent suicide and provide bereavement support in Ireland.

    The Event

    The Cycle will take place from Monday 22nd April to Friday 5th May 2013, offering a tangible, practical opportunity for people who want to help support those who are affected by suicide.

    Let's Break The Cycle

    The Cycle will visit locations all over Ireland, with events hosted at 28 schools, colleges and universities along the journey.

    Cyclists can participate in as many or as few legs of the Cycle as they wish at a cost of €40, to cover the official jersey and insurance. This fee has been reduced to €20 for students and the unwaged.

    Register TODAY

    Please use the attached poster to really encourage your colleagues to help Break the Cycle and live the experience!

    Register now at: www.cycleagainstsuicide.com/register

    For more information you can check out our Facebook page www.facebook.com/cycleagainstsuicide.com & Twitter feed www.twitter.com/CASuicide

    We have a great video too that explains why Cycle Against Suicide is such an important initiative http://vimeo.com/57692025
