• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • Map of Mental Health Services and Supports Around Ireland


    Mental Health Reform have produced a Map of Mental Health Services and Supports Around Ireland. This interactive map shows where you can access different types of mental health services and supports. You can visit the site HERE or click on the image above.

    In the map, you will see where Mental Health Reform (MHR) governing members are located, where there are recovery colleges and where there are crisis cafés (now known as ‘Solace Cafés’).

    What is a Governing Member?

    MHR currently represents over 65 governing members across the voluntary and community mental health sector. The voluntary and community mental health sector plays a significant role in supporting the State in the provision of services for people with mental health difficulties.

    MHR’s governing members provide a diverse range of services that are of vital importance to the whole mental health ecosystem. Their supports and services include:
    – Information and Sign-Posting
    – Psycho-education, self-help and positive mental health
    – Peer Support
    – Helpline/Crisis
    – Therapy/Counselling
    – Recovery/Social Inclusion
    – Advocacy
