• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • august, 2020

    26aug(aug 26)10:00 am27(aug 27)6:00 pmMen's Sheds Global Gathering 2020


    Event Details

    The Irish Men’s Sheds Association is proud to announce that the Global Gathering of Men’s Sheds will take place 26th – 27th August 2020 in Ireland city’s of culture, Galway. We are hoping that this will be the biggest ever gathering of men’s shed ever, with 1,000 men expected to come together learn, share and make new friends from sheds across Ireland and other countries including Australia, Finland and Estonia.

    Tickets for the day session cost €25 and includes access to the full Gathering event, refreshments, lunch and access to the Male Health Expo

    Tickets for the evening part of the Gathering cost €25 and includes a three course meal, tea/coffee and entertainment. If you would like to book a ticket for the Gathering, please contact our office on 01 891 6150.

    Accommodation is also on offer at the Goldcrest Apartments in NUI G. The accommodation can be booked by clicking here.


    26 (Wednesday) 10:00 am - 27 (Thursday) 6:00 pm


    NUI Galway

    NUI Galway, University Road
