• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • A Day in the Bog with Louisburgh Area Men’s Shed

    In 2022 Louisburgh Area Men’s Shed, LAMS, together with Louisburgh-Killeen Heritage created a short movie depicting what a Day in the Bog was like. Filmed on location in Louisburgh and starring members of LAMS this short film gives a glimpse into the past and really describes the cutting, saving, footing and bringing home of turf. A public premiere of the movie was held in Louisburgh Town Hall on 18th March 2023 with a packed audience in attendance.

    Special word of thanks to Brendan Gilmartin, Professional Videographer & Photographer for his skills and support with recording and editing this project. Thanks to James Ryan from Climate Action Louisburgh Locality for use of protector and screen at the premiere.  Music is from Billy Gallagher & Family CD called Clare Island in Mayo Singing talents of:
    Seamus Walsh-The Bog Song
    Kitty Needham-Ashleagh Water Falls

    If you would like to join or find out more about LAMS contact John Maxwell  on 086 2417 123.
    If you would like to support our recording of local traditions please donate online https://www.gofundme.com/f/louisburgh…

