• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • Swords Men’s Shed offers a new normality to those who need it

    As well as a very extensive workshop the Sheds offer lots of other social activities, there are no age restrictions and if you only want to chat over a cuppa you can do that as well. George Carroll explains:

    It’s already a far-ranging service that we have here; people can do art, they can do woodworking, cards, games, chess, dominoes, all the different things that you want to do but it’s driven by the people themselves so we’re not limited to the things that we do here at the moment. It’s in everyone’s range to bring something new and encourage us to go their way as well as us bringing them our way so then that way we cover all the trades crafts and hobbies – you name it, it’s here for you if you want to join. We bring a discipline that they can work within and become themselves again restore their confidence; build up their their ability to mix in with people – so that’s what we’re trying to do and it does work; people have come back again and again and they try to bring other people down to us which is great sign. We would like to share with you some of the great personal benefits that the sheds have given us and not just keep them all to ourselves so call in any Wednesday morning between 10 and 12.

