What is Sheds for Life?
Sheds for Life is a community-based health promotion programme aimed at supporting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of men’s sheds members.
The development of Sheds for Life commenced in 2016 and has been guided by the needs, wishes and feedback of the men’s sheds members throughout Ireland. The Sheds for Life vision is a future where all men’s sheds members can enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to their full potential.
The Irish Men’s Sheds Association had designed a 10-week programme in conjunction with the sheds and a host of national healthcare organisations.
The purpose of the programme is to engage men to successfully facilitate more open and meaningful discussions around their physical and mental wellbeing while encouraging men to maintain healthier lifestyle choices and increase their awareness in areas such as physical activity, healthy eating and mental wellbeing.
The programme has been funded with thanks to the HSE. The next phase of Sheds for Life will be delivered to counties; Wexford, Kerry and Clare and is supported by the HSE and Sláintecare Integration funding.