Shed Art Competition Winners
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Shed Art Competition. We have been blown away by the talent that we’ve seen over the last few weeks. We’ve had 87 entries from sheds all over the country, highlighting that sheds are full to the brim with artistically talented and skilled men.
The judges, Colm Sweeney and Anne Darcy, were very impressed with the talent on display and congratulate everyone that took part. It was a challenge to choose the winners given all the excellent entries.
And our winners are…
- Chris Simpson (Dundalk Men’s Shed)
- Sam Burnside (Eglinton Men’s Shed)
- Monaghan Men’s Shed
Our three winners are Chris Simpson with his painting, titled Self Isolation from Dundalk Men’s Shed; Sam Burnside with his photograph, titled Bird of Eglinton, from Eglinton Men’s Shed and the collective efforts of Monaghan Men’s Shed with their Rocking Horse.
Huge thanks to all who took part, for sharing your artwork and inspiring each other to continue to create at this time.