• Charity No. 19928 Phone No. 0818 900 800

  • Meet the SpannerMan

    Malehealth.ie is an online health resource from the IMSA – ‘Your health is your wealth’ is a common phrase we are all familiar with but how many of us take the time to really understand what this phrase means? No matter what our occupation may be or what lifestyle we live, our most valuable piece of machinery is our health. Physically, if we feel an ache or pain we tend to take the “It will be grand” approach and only take action when the situation becomes too overpowering. Often it is not until an illness or health scare occurs that we take stock of the factors that influence our health, such as our individual lifestyle choices, our local community and social circles, the environment we live and work in as well as wider social and economic influences.

    Likewise, emotionally, we sometimes internalise our feelings and hope that any negative emotions will eventually disappear. We tend to take the wait-and-see approach and only seek help when the situation becomes too overwhelming. However, while we are waiting for the problem to treat itself the problem could get worse. By prolonging treatment and care for our mental health we run the risk of exacerbating any underlying issues.

    Health is complex. Every day we are bombarded with new information about what we should and should not be doing and this can be quite confusing. “Spanner in the Works” is not about telling you what to do but highlights some things that can be done to improve your health and chances of living a longer, happier life. It provides comprehensible and achievable health messages that will help you discover more about your own health and wellbeing.

    Use this website and the provided links to discover more about your health and wellbeing and gain a better understanding of health issues common to your age group. If you have a particular concern, get in touch with one of the listed organisations or make sure to arrange an appointment with your GP or Health Professional.

    Click to Visit MaleHealth.ie

